21-1 Sugiiryu, Kochi City 780-0072, Japan
Telephone    088-884-5428
Facsimile    088-884-5488
E-mail         o-benchi@i-kochi.or.jp

Solo Exhibitions

1995       The Museum of Ino Paper, Kochi
1998       The Floor of Kochi City, Kochi

Group Exhibitions

1993       Montoreal International Papermaker & Artist, Canada
1997       A Light of Paper, Art Space Sinra, Nishinomiya, Hyogo
               Culture of wood; Japan and Finland, The Museum of Art, Kochi
1999       Tosa-Tosa '99 Paper, The Museum of Art, Kochi
2000       "PAPERWORKS 2000 INO", Ino-cho Paper Museum, KOCHI
              "WASHI-TEN", La Habana CUBA

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